Murray: Na titul z Melbourne si ještě nevěřím
Brit Andy Murray si tento týden v katarském Dauhá odbyl svou premiéru v sezoně 2014, své fanoušky však příliš neohromil. Murray, jenž od US Open nehrál kvůli zranění zad, kvůli kterým musel Brit podstoupit i operaci, vypadl v Kataru už ve druhém kole.
"Neočekávám, že vyhraju Australian Open. Bylo by to naivní," řekl jasně Murray. "Já jen říkám, že jsem tvrdě trénoval a udělal opravdu velký kus práce a to jak po psychické, tak i po fyzické stránce," dodal.
"Tady v Dauhá to byl pěkný příklad toho, jak je trénink v tělocvičně odlišný od skutečné hry. Ten trénink potřebujeme, ale pak jdeme na kurt a je to něco úplně jiného. Bylo by proto nenormální očekávat teď, že vyhraju hned na začátku sezony grandslam, ale je možné, že se po jednom, po dvou zápasech začnu cítit lépe a vše se změní."
Andy Murray nebude týden před úvodním grandslamem sezony hrát žádný turnaj, i když mu byly nabízeny divoké karty do Sydney i do Aucklandu.
"Nejsem si momentálně jistý, na jaké úrovni je má hra. V půlce utkání proti Mayerovi jsem se cítil dobře, pak se něco změnilo a to zapříčinilo mou prohru. Je to tedy těžké odhadnout," řekl Skot k porážce ve druhém kole turnaje v Dauhá, kde ve třech setech nestačil na Němce Floriana Mayera.
"Blíží se Australian Open a je možné, že budu muset hrát i pět setů, takže ten začátek bude asi hodně náročný. Je dobré, že mezi každým zápasem máme jeden den volna, to by mi teď mohlo hodně pomoct. Věřím, že se po zápase začnu cítit lépe, zvyknu si na prostředí, rozehraju se a pak to třeba všechno půjde lépe," zakončil loňský wimbledonský šampion.
It has been a long time in the waiting to hear Ernests Gulbis discussing his tennis prospects in such effusive, powerful terms. The Latvian?s skills are well known and appreciated, he is the world No 24, but too often he has only debated the fripperies of the tour and been happy to indulge in quotes that get headlines for other than what he has been able to achieve on the court.
He once stopped a press conference in Rome saying that the questions were boring him. Last year, he said that most interviews with the top-four players were ?crap? and that: ?I am terrified by phrases like ?I had a little bit more success at certain moments and that is how I won.? ? Those comments raised a few eyebrows, but then he went back to not winning much ? he has won a mere four titles in his career and beento only one grand-slam quarter-final, at the French Open in 2008 ? and people ignored him again.
If that changes, the men?s game will be better for it. Gulbis, 25, gave Rafael Nadal a tight two sets on Thursday night at the Qatar ExxonMobil Open. He lost 7-5, 6-4 and didn?t moan about it. ?It?s going to be a great year,? he said. ?I know it will be. I?ve had a really good preparation, physically I feel really good and every aspect of my game is better. I grew up every month last year. I want to grow up.
?I never liked playing Australia [he has won a single match in six visits to the Australian Open, which begins a week on Monday]. This is the first year I?m looking forward to going there, because I?m comfortable to be where I am at the moment because all my life, I was running behind something that doesn?t exist. I had some kind of happiness because of some short-term pleasures, they were dictating what I did in life. But now is the first time I really feel comfortable at a tournament, practising, enjoying the process.
?Basically, I?m trying to play as I did when I didn?t think about playing. When I was 16, 17 years old I was playing through my gut, my instinct, my subconscious. Then I started to think and I started to screw it up.?
An unscrewed-up Gulbis can cause a lot of heads to swivel and many in the opposition to doubt themselves against him. Should he earn the results that his development suggests he should, we shall all have the pleasure of learning more of the character behind the man.
One wondered, given his breadth of wisdom [he is a voracious reader whose father has persuaded him to take up Dostoevsky] whether he might spread his message, through social media, which he has avoided thus far.
?For me, it [the future] is simple ? players want to earn more money. It has been the issue forever. I have some ideas but I don?t want to tell them yet because they are vague. You need to teach players, educate them as to their responsibilities, how to promote tennis.
?Tennis lacks good promotion, it is painful to watch guys struggling to pay their bills. It shouldn?t be that way and people don?t know it or talk about it. You are No 30 in the world and you can?t afford a full-time coach and a full-time physiotherapist. How can you compete with the guys from the big federations?
?I?m told I am spoilt because I have rich parents. I feel fortunate, I say thank you to my family. My father worked 30 years, 24/7, to earn money to help me. I didn?t get one cent from the Latvian Government or the federation through my career.?
Gulbis couldn?t possibly be dull or boring.
Každopádně souhlasím, že rezignovat by neměl, kor jestli chce pomýšlet na světovou jedničku. Mohl by jezdit třeba s Rafou po Jižní Americe.
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